✓ Major Update:
- The Q&A feature can now filter questions (Moderation).
- Multiple users can be moderators simultaneously.
- Questions appear directly in a PowerPoint Slide, using the free DialogLoop Engage Add-in available in the Microsoft Store.
- Beautiful animated Backgrounds can be used to display the Audience's questions
- Questions can be "Liked", and are ranking automatically on the PowerPoint Slide.
✓ Other New Features:
- Add a new question type: WebSurvey
- Possibility to transform a single-question poll into a multi-question survey/quiz
- Polls Title is now auto-generated if not specified by the owner.
- NPS and Likert Polls now have a Chart visualization.
- Add several preset fields to the Form question type.
✓ Bugs correction:
- Ease the drag and drop/Sorting of questions in the Quiz and Survey windows
- Charts now accept multi-lines labels.