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DialogLoop Influence - Support

Quick Start

1. Open a Free Account


2. Turn On Features

Event Welcome Page.png

3. Create an Event Welcome Page (Optional)

Online Poll-Monument Quiz.png

4. Create Polls


5. Set a Passcode (Optional)

OBS - Full Logo.png

and more...

6. Add links to your Broadcast Software


7. Share the Session URL


8. Interact


9. Rock the House!

How To...

How to use DialogLoop™ Influence with Broadcast Software like OBS Studio?

1/ Login to DialogLoop™ Influence. It's free for 10 attendees.
2/ Create an Event
3/ Create the Event Welcome page
4/ Set the Login Settings
5/ Create activities like a Poll, Quiz, Word Cloud…
6/ Turn on the Switch in the Header of each activity you want to use: Public Chat, Q&A, Poll, Emotion Board.
7/ Preview the Attendee Page, and amend the activities. Once you are happy with the Preview go to step 8.
8/ In the Links Page, copy a first Output Link
9/ Open OBS Studio, and create a new Browser Layer.
10/ Paste the link and validate.
11/ The output is now inserted as a layer: it is a LIVE link to the server and can welcome audience input.
12/ Go back to the Attendee Preview Page and send data on the related activity. The output appears in OBS.
13/ Repeat from 8/ for other activities.
14/ Buy an event with the number of attendees you expect.
15/ When the time is right, share the Link to the Attendee Page (in the Links page) with your audience.
16/ You are all set for primetime!

Video Tutorials

Coming soon

FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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